& Partners

Who we are

Who we are

M&P — MACCABRUNI AND PARTNERS is the crystallization of an idea to create a team sharing a vision of the legal profession based on the importance of personal relationships, even today, in business advisory.

Our goal is to become a stable point of reference for our clients, not simply for special situations but also for “day-to-day” activities to facilitate the forecast of potential problems and identification of effective solutions.

Thanks to the academic experience and networks developed and to a professional practice matured in a wide range of sectors, M&P provides the necessary skills to enable effective and compliant managerial decisions and their correct implementation.

M&P team members have been advising clients that belong to international groups as well as those under Italian ownership for many years.

We tailor our services to the needs of our clients. Our personal approach, experience and networks adds value to their businesses and minimizes the cost of litigation.

«Lavoratori pazienti
e modesti intenti a scoprire
la voce del diritto che viene
su dalle cose.»

Trattato di diritto commerciale,
Prefazione alla I Edizione del 1893, 1° vol., 1925, p. VIII

Industry sectors

Industry Sectors

The experience of the Firm’s members across different fields of law is derived from advising and defending clients across many industry sectors, each with their own peculiarities.

The outstanding legal background of our team members combined with direct experience of issues faced by clientele enables us to deliver prompt and effective solutions to problems encountered.

Sectors represented by M&P clientele include:

• Automotive
• Energy
• Luxury Goods
• Energy
• Manufacturing
• Transport & Logistics
• Banking and finance
• Art, Media & Entertainment
• Hospitality
• Tourism
Real Estate

The daily negotiations and property of merchants ought not to depend upon subtleties and niceties, but upon rules easily learned and retained, because they are the dictates of common sense, drawn from the truth of the case. If the question is to depend upon the fact, every man can judge of the nature of the law before the money is paid

— Lord Mansfield

Areas of Practice

Areas of Practice

«Non solo occorre tenere presente la giurisprudenza e la dottrina; occorre considerare anche la pratica contrattuale … la norma legale diventa difatti un organismo morto e quasi sprovvisto di significato per chi non tenga presente la pratica contrattuale.»

Premesse allo studio del diritto comparato,
Saggi Giuridici, Milan0, 1949, p. 3 ss.


Franco F. Maccabruni

Franco Fabio Maccabruni, born in February 1964, he graduated in 1987 from the Università degli Studi of Milan Law School with the highest qualification and honors under professor Pier Giusto Jaeger – with whom academic activity begins immediately-, and professor Guido Rossi. He carried out research stays in Heidelberg, Harvard and Buenos Aires; he has taught Commercial Law, Banking Law and Industrial Law and published numerous scientific studies in these areas.

In 2003 he founded the law firm that bears his name.

Franco has mainly dealt with commercial law. He has participated in M&A operations, including international ones, corporate reorganization, financing by international pool of banks, issuance of securities, also listed on regulated markets (studying innovative formulas such as step up equity lines), IPOs. His profile was selected by the Alternative data Analysis company PBV Monitor for the Finance, M&A Mid Market, M&A Small Cap categories and included in the guide “The Super lawyers and the Super corporate law firms ” published by Milano Finanza and Class Editori, for the years 2022 and 2023.

He bring the experience gained -on the one hand, in carrying out corporate reorganization and, on the other, in consulting the bankruptcy bodies-, in the restructuring of corporate debts. In this activity, he advise the companies not only in negotiation of extrajudicial agreements with their creditors, but also in the daily management (through participation, in the interests of clients, within the corporate bodies as an independent director or creditors’ committees in the event of bankruptcy).

Thanks to this approach, together with M&P, it was selected among the 100 best firm in the Corporate-Restructuring sector and was among the 16 finalists of the 2020 Top Legal Industry Awards, in the Insolvency and Restructuring area.

Franco has an extensive experience in litigation (in addition to civil litigation, he assisted clients before Administrative Judges, in the fields of public works contracts and antitrust legislation) also as an arbitrator, although, even still today, he mainly deals with the structuring and negotiation of corporate transactions and commercial agreements.

He holds positions as director of companies in the manufacturing, energy and art sectors.

He works mainly in European countries and Argentina.

Languages: Italian, English and Spanish.

Clausole statutarie di prelazione, in Giur. comm. 1989, II, p.94 ss.;

Considerazioni in tema di impugnativa della delibera di approvazione del bilancio certificato, in Giur. comm., 1992, II, p.850 ss.;

Alcune questioni pratiche in tema di recesso dalle società di capitali, in Società & diritto, 1993, p. 647 ss.;

Considerazioni in tema di assemblea totalitaria, in Giur. comm., 1993, I, p. 913 ss.;

Insider trading e analisi economica del diritto, in Giur. comm., 1995, I, p.598 ss.;

Analogie e permanenti differenze fra il diritto societario italiano e quelli dei principali paesi dell’unione europea, in Contratto e impresa Europa, 1999, p. 939 ss.;

Evoluzione normativa dei doveri della Banca nei contratti di gestione patrimoniale attraverso operazioni su strumenti finanziari, in Giur. comm., 2002, II, p. 249 ss.

(con G. Presti) Gli amministratori indipendenti: mito e realtà nelle esperienze anglosassoni, in Analisi giuridica dell’economia, 2003;

Independent directors in the reform of Italian corporate law: dogmatic adhesion to a myth (not undisputed) of corporate governance;

Gli amministratori indipendenti nella riforma del diritto societario italiano: problemi di coordinamento con l’attuale disciplina delle società quotate, in IrTop, 2003;

(con A.Vicari) Delisting e no Pareto moves, in IrTop, 2004;

Corporate Social Responsibility-Editoriale, in IrTop, 2004;

Step up Equity Line e disciplina dell’aumento di capitale, in Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 2005;

Stabilità e valore per gli azionisti negli accordi di Basilea, in IrTop, 2005;

L’indipendenza degli amministratori: modello anglosassone e riforma del diritto delle società di capitale, in Riv. Soc., 2005;

La cattura del Governatore, in la Voce 2005

Lezioni sull’ordinamento bancario italiano  Insubria University Press, 2006

Il credito al consumo, Draft, 2007

La responsabilità degli amministratori non esecutivi e indipendenti, Draft 2010

Il voto per corrispondenza e con mezzi elettronici, in Ir-Top 2011

Gli obiettivi della nuova regolamentazione Consob delle offerte di pubblico acquisto e scambio (secondo la Consob), in Ir-Top 2012

Il Leasing di partecipazioni sociali, in Aa. Vv. Le operazioni di finanziamento, a cura di E. Panzarini, Zanichelli, 2016

1995-96 — La riforma del Registro delle Imprese (ciclo di lezioni), Milano-Roma;

2003 — Independent directors in the reform of Italian corporate law: dogmatic adhesion to a myth (not undisputed) of corporate governance, Parigi;

2004 — L’impatto delle principali novità della direttiva sul c.d. Market Abuse e dei disegni di legge sulla tutela del risparmio sulle relazioni con gli investitori, Convegno Approcci innovativi e tendenze in atto nella comunicazione finanziaria oggi, Milano;

2005 — I conflitti di interesse nella banca universale, Convegno La Banca catalizzatore del risparmio in investimento. Una certezza o una speranza, Monza;

2007 — Il credito al consumo: prospettive di riforma delle discipline europea e nazionale, Convegno Tutela del consumatore e servizi finanziari, Como;

2008 — Revocatoria fallimentare e procedure alternative di soluzione della crisi di impresa dopo la riforma della legge fallimentare, Scuola del Banco Popolare di Verona, Verona;

2009 — Il collocamento di prodotti finanziari assicurativi e bancari ad alto e basso rischio: adempimenti e responsabilità dell’intermediario. La posizione delle Banche. Corso Nuovi contratti e tutela del consumatore, Milano;

2010 — La responsabilità degli amministratori non esecutivi e indipendenti, Milano;

2011 — Il voto per corrispondenza e con mezzi elettronici, Milano;

2011 — Gli obiettivi della nuova regolamentazione Consob delle offerte di pubblico acquisto e scambio (secondo la Consob), Milano;

2012 — Il recepimento delle direttive SEPA e PSD nei principali ordinamenti dell’Unione, Milano-Bruxelles;

2015 — Anatocismo bancario e procedure concorsuali, Milano.

Cristina Simoncelli

Cristina Simoncelli graduated in 1994 from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, where she followed a commercial and corporate program of study in law and received the highest qualification after presenting a thesis on take over bids under Professor G. E. Colombo. Following a decade of professional experience she undertook further study culminating in a master’s degree in corporate law in 2004.

She worked in law firms based in Milan and Rome where she advised international and domestic clients as consultant and litigator across a variety of sectors including: automotive and aftermarket, fuel retailing, luxury, marketing and advertising services and editorial. She provides assistance in day-to-day legal activities as well as for larger projects such as: incorporations, joint ventures, acquisitions or sale of businesses.

Her professional approach aimed at valuing particularities of the clients and her inclination to establish long-lasting collaborations, allows her to acquire a direct knowledge of the operational dynamics of companies with which she interacts and to shape her professional contribution as business advisor to the specific needs of the clients either small or medium-sized enterprise or international groups.

She has significant experience as a litigator in disputes arising from extraordinary operations, and in current businesses such as those related to contractual breaches, dissolution of selective distribution and of franchise agreements, unfair competition and copyright infringement disputes.

She has developed particular expertise in product liability litigation and in the management of class action lawsuits and individual disputes arising from final consumers.

Her profile was  included –for the Dispute resolution and M&A Mid Market categories-  in the guide “The Super lawyers and the Super corporate law firms 2022” published by Milano Finanza and Class Editori.

Languages: Italian and English

Luca Marcoccia

Luca Marcoccia born in January 1980, graduated in 2004 from the Università degli studi dell’Insubria, Law School, with the highest qualification and honors, after presenting a thesis on Banking Law, with the title: “Financial structure and governance after Basel II”, under Professor Franco F. Maccabruni.

After graduating he continued his studies in economic history, monetary economics and banking systems regulation, as assistant professor.

In February 2005 he started his professional trainee period in Maccabruni & Partners, working closely with the Firm’s founder.

During the same period he was awarded a scholarship to attend the first level master in “Ethics and Social Responsibility in business and professions” at the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Economic and Jurisprudence Faculties, for which he received a degree after studying political economics, business economy, business finance and corporate law, and particularly in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), in which he presented a thesis in Corporate Law with the title: “The independent directors of the socially responsible enterprise”.

In February 2009 he received his licence to practise as a lawyer, after having passed the bar exam first time, and continued his collaboration with Maccabruni & Partners where he became a partner in 2012, whilst working also as an outsourced counsel for a leading banking group.

Thanks to his professional experience and ongoing study he has deep knowledge of every branch of civil law that enables him to face and solve any legal issue with an interdisciplinary approach.

He acts as a litigator (in jurisdictional and arbitrational proceedings, both domestic and international, as attorney and/or arbitrator) for which he has gained remarkable expertise, and for which he has a deep passion. He also acts as an advisor, mainly on civil matters. He assists clients who are willing to file their civil claims in criminal proceedings and he cooperates with criminal lawyers on issues for which knowledge of civil law is essential.

Languages: Italian and English

Luca Alessandrini Gentili

Luca Alessandrini Gentili, born in November 1979, graduated in 2005 from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Law School, after presenting a thesis on Intellectual and Industrial Property Law  with the title “Problems concerning headlines and mastheads” under Professor Adriano Vanzetti.

Soon after his graduation he started his professional trainee period in Maccabruni & Partners working closely with the Firm’s founder.

He received his licence to practise as a lawyer, having passed the bar exam in Milan, and he continued his collaboration with Maccabruni & Partners where he became a partner in 2012.

In 2015 he received a master’s degree in Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, completing his training through a highly specialized course of studying and acquiring knowledge to operate as an advisor on patent and copyright law, and competition law.

In 2020 he was granted the Eipass certification DPO having acquired all the skills necessary to operate in a high-level professional and managerial role as a Data Protection Officer, both in the Public and Private sectors, covering all issues that require the relevant knowledge of the rules and practices.

Besides these specializations, thanks to his professional experience and his ongoing study, he has a deep knowledge of civil law (contractual, tort, and professional responsibility, insurance law, lease and condominium law, as well as family law).

His competence and training acquired over the years enables him to provide assistance as an advisor and as a litigator (in both jurisdictional and arbitrational proceedings) where he has achieved considerable experience.

Languages: Italian and English.

Laura Imparato

Laura Imparato. Born in 1966, graduated in 1991 from the Università degli Studi of Milan, Law School, with the highest qualification and honors after presenting a thesis on Criminal Procedural Law with the title “L’incidente probatorio”.

In the same year she started her professional trainee period, dealing with civil, criminal and labour law, a subject for which she immediately felt a strong passion.

In 1994 she received her licence to practice as a lawyer having passed the bar exam in Milan on the first time and, soon after, she decided to dedicate herself exclusively to labour law.

She therefore joined Becich and Associates law firm where she had the opportunity to work exclusively with labour issues for medium-sized and large enterprises, both international and domestic, operating in various sectors including: trade, record industry, chemical industry, graphic-editorial industry, mechanical engineering industry and credit institutions.

She worked closely with the founding partner, Stefano Becich, in assisting companies in major restructuring processes necessitating layoff plans and in mergers and acquisitions, dealing with the managers of the companies and with union representatives; she provides assistance to HR’s function in day-to-day activities (hiring, tasks, transfer of employees, disciplinary proceedings, dismissals and terminations of employment agreements). She advises and assists managers in the negotiation of termination agreements.

In 2012 she started her collaboration with Maccabruni & Partners, founding the Labour department.

In 2016 she registered with the Official Role of Lawyers admitted to the Superior Courts of the State Bar and she started her practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation.

Thanks to her professional experience and her ongoing study, she has deep knowledge of labour law that enables her to face and solve any legal issues that may arise from individual and collective labour relationships.

She acts both as litigator (in courts and arbitrational proceedings) and as an advisor on labour issues.

In 2006 she collaborated in the drafting of Comment to Book V of the “Civil Code – Marked down with Jurisprudence” of Francesco Caringella and Francesca Della Valle, Giuffrè Editor.

Languages: Italian and English.

Lorenzo Bemporad

Born in Milan in 1978, he graduated from the Università degli Studi di Milano Law School after presenting a thesis on Commercial Law on the invalidities of  the resolutions of shareholders’ general meetings, under Professor  prof. Franco Maccabruni.

After completing the period of professional practice, he mainly focuses on consulting in the field of commercial contracts and business management; in this perspective, he lends his activity especially as a temporary manager for the management of legal aspects -including personnel management-, and the relations with professionals in companies in the start-up or restructuring phase.

He has always assisted the naming partner in consulting activities in favor of the firm’s Latam customers and for this reason, he attended a two year post-graduate course from the Universitad de la Rioja and obtained a Master’s degree in 2018, presenting a thesis on Competition Law.

Languages: Italian, English and Spanish.
